Friday, March 19, 2010


Why do people insist of bring whole families to the grocery store. This means mama, papa, 10 kids, grandma, grandpa, and friends (and the friends kids). Then they block the aisles and will not move. Is it considered a family outing? That's what city parks are for!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stupid Americans

It seems to me that we are in deep do do. Our government is a mess. Our politicians are pompous asses that only care about their power. And most of all the American people are very stupid. There is so much crap being printed by the news media and the stupid people take it as the truth. We Americans only know what the main media cnn, msnbc,and fox want us to know. I don't mention the regular channels because no one watches them anymore, because they wouldn't know the truth if it fell on them. If you want to know what is really happening in America read the English papers and watch the BBC. I think we are missing too much. WE WANT THE NEWS! NOT THE BIAS CRAP FROM THE MAIN NEWS MEDIA. I can tell, just by watching or reading which political affiliation a newspaper or news program is. If nice things are said about the President and the pres is a Democrat then the news outlet is liberal. If the Pres is Republican and the news is nice then news outlet is Conservative. Just report allllllll the truth.

Friday, February 22, 2008


I really hate work! I really hate work! I really hate work!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

To all you men out there! GET USED TO IT! Sure it's a scam and just a way to get you to spend your hard earned. But if you want to get lucky DO IT! You don't have to spend a lot of money. Just a card and a flower or plant. If your women is HM (high maintenance) Jewelry. I enjoy getting a card. At least an effort is made.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


When Democrats and Republicans do all their posturing and speeches I have to laugh. All I hear is blah blah blah! Who listens to this crap? Better yet who believes this crap? Well from the poles (which I think is all made up by the press) quite a few people believe. Well at least get out and vote. I see no difference in any of the candidates, they will tell you what you want to hear and then just do what they want anyway. Am I a jaded cynic? Yes!


Friday, June 8, 2007

Paris Hilton

Sorry I just had to write about it. It is very sad that a rich, anorexic, spoiled brat girl will make me break my vow to not notice what Hollywood is doing. I really do feel sorry for Paris. Can you imagine the culture shock she is having. This is a girl that was born into the lap of extreme luxury, having to wear an outfit that someone else has worn, sleep in a bed that someone else has slept in. oops. I forgot she sleeps in quite a lot of strange beds. If you think about it Paris has never stayed at a motel 6, eaten at Denny's, or had her hair cut at cost cutters. How can she cope in a world where women have to pay for their crimes. Noooooooo!!! Todays photo showed a crying Paris instead of the smug little rich girl. Paris dahling, you don't need to drive drunk, you don't need to drive at all. Doesn't daddy and mom have drivers. I read that the last time you drove drunk (and got caught!) you were going to get something to eat. Don't you have people to do that for you. So for now at this minute (3:33 pm mst.) good luck in the slammer Paris!