Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stupid Americans

It seems to me that we are in deep do do. Our government is a mess. Our politicians are pompous asses that only care about their power. And most of all the American people are very stupid. There is so much crap being printed by the news media and the stupid people take it as the truth. We Americans only know what the main media cnn, msnbc,and fox want us to know. I don't mention the regular channels because no one watches them anymore, because they wouldn't know the truth if it fell on them. If you want to know what is really happening in America read the English papers and watch the BBC. I think we are missing too much. WE WANT THE NEWS! NOT THE BIAS CRAP FROM THE MAIN NEWS MEDIA. I can tell, just by watching or reading which political affiliation a newspaper or news program is. If nice things are said about the President and the pres is a Democrat then the news outlet is liberal. If the Pres is Republican and the news is nice then news outlet is Conservative. Just report allllllll the truth.

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